St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

Starting School



If your child has secured a place for September 2024, please click here for the Induction letter. 


Please click here for the Parent's Induction Meeting presentation


Induction dates 






Parent’s Induction Meeting

This session will introduce you to our school leadership team and outline arrangements for starting school

Tuesday 4th June 2024




Parents and Children

‘Stay and Play’ Session with Parents

The children will enjoy a play in their new classroom with parents present. If your child is already in our Nursery on this day there is no need for you, as a parent, to attend. If they already attend our Nursery but do not usually attend on this day or time please do bring them along.


Wednesday 12th June 2024




– please bring children to the school office

Parents and Children

 ‘Stay and Play’ Session with coffee in the hall

The children will play in their new classroom whilst the adults enjoy a coffee in the hall. This will be a great opportunity to meet other parents, purchase uniform and get to know our PTA.

Tuesday 25th June 2024

1.30pm – 2.30pm


Children: EYFS Classroom

Parents: School hall

– please bring children to the school office

Contact with Class Teacher

You will receive a telephone call so that you can discuss your child’s needs in detail. We would like to know more about your child’s passions, fears, medical needs or learning needs.

w/b Monday 24th June 2024



Nursery visit

We will arrange a visit to your child’s nursery setting. We will arrange this directly with your child’s Keyworker. If you haven’t told us which nursery they attend please let us know and include their session times. For the children who are already at St Mary’s, they will be visited in our nursery setting.

w/b Monday 1st July 2024



Children only

‘Turnaround Morning’

On this morning, all of the children at St Mary’s will experience a morning in their new class. Your child is invited to be part of this. Please bring a named water bottle and a waterproof coat. Children at St Mary’s are provided with fresh fruit for snack every single day.

Friday 12th July 2024



In EYFS classroom – bring children to the school office


 We understand that starting school is a big milestone for both children and their families, one that should be cherished and very much looked forward to. Such a big change can sometimes bring new emotions. We want to assure you that we are here to give the best support to you and your child at every step of the way to ensure a calm, relaxed and welcoming learning environment.


Forms for completion

Pupil Admission Data Capture Form

Emergency Contact Sheet

Permission Form


Important Information

Parent Handbook

Intimate Care Policy



 Click here for details of our Nursery Class