St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

The Trinity Approach 


Our faith and school values are the golden thread that run through our curriculum. We believe our curriculum should reflect the school’s values of love, forgiveness, respect, resilience, curiosity and stewardship. These values reflect the school’s Catholic Christian character and are at the centre of all that we do. Our curriculum aims to establish the children’s place in the world and create a sense of belonging.


At St Mary’s, we aim to develop natural curiosity and a sense of awe and wonder. We seek to inspire all of our children to be the most amazing version of themselves that they can be. Through arts and the wider curriculum, we want children’s learning experiences to be creative, purposeful and based on the world around them. We want our children to be excited about their learning adventures, empowering them to challenge, ask and answer questions. Through this, we hope that children will learn the importance of resilience, perseverance and problem solving both in school and in real life contexts.


Children at St Mary’s learn independently, collaboratively and alongside others. These approaches mean that children have to interact and foster relationships and most importantly see the value in sharing ideas to develop new learning and understanding. Positive interdependence promotes a cooperative and caring learning community in which pupils work together, are supportive and encourage each other to learn and succeed. We want children to understand the world with which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups, nations and the environment.